Current Ranking Position Update*

Current Ranking position for Hyperion

Hyperion Property ruled by: Commissioner, Germain Crawford.

Hyperion 1st sector commanded by Chief of Operation. Chief of Operation makes sure the 1st sector is military active, plans schedules for commanding officers and command the commanders of 1st sector.

The 1st Sector has five guilds:
”The Hyperion Infantry”
”The Hyperion Hunters”
”The Hyperion Brotherhood”
”The Hyperion Elite”
”The Hyperion Order” (Inactive for now)

Assistant Commissioner is as third in charge and is in charge of executive business, recruitment and towns. Assistant Commissioner makes sure the guild is active.

Current Chief of Operation: J Pickett
Current Assistant Commissioner: Claiton Valeria
Presenter for Hyperion Diplomacy: Diplomat Ace Pickett

Hyperion 1st Sector Commanders:
State Inspector John Crawford
Captain Jaiden Crawford

Ex-Hyperion Former Commanders:
Captain Nathan Crawford (Discharged)
Chief of Operation Anna Haeven (Traitor)
Major Sergei Nikolai (Traitor)
Diplomat Octane Atherto (Discharged)

7 thoughts on “Current Ranking Position Update*

    • Anna Haeven. You weren’t kicked out, you left Hyperion yourself and you said on the day you left that you are taking the members under your guild tag with you. Either way you left Hyperion willingly when there was a rebellion against you. You who were once a Hyperion officer that’s now against us, and that’s why you are a traitor.


  1. Anna Haeven. You betrayed the order and stabbed us when Hyperion was in its weak moment when I was banned and when there was a rebellion made by hired mercenaries disguised as Hyperion soldiers under command of Sergei Nikolai.


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